3. Building View Components
3.1 Overview
This chapter focuses on the task of building the View components for use with
the PHruts framework. The PHruts distribution includes an API library that provides
support for building internationalized applications, as well as for interacting
with input forms. Several other topics related to the View components are briefly
3.2 Internationalized Messages
PHruts includes classes to build internationalized and localized applications.
The key concepts to become familiar with are:
- PHRUTS_Locale - The class that supports internationalization. Each PHRUTS_Locale represents a particular choice of country and language (plus an optional language
- PHRUTS_Properties - This class allows you to define resources using the same "name=value" syntax
used to initialize properties files. This is very convenient for preparing resource
bundles with messages that are used in a web application, because these messages
are generally text oriented.
- PHRUTS_MessageResources - The PHruts class phruts::util::PHRUS_MessageResources lets
you treat a set of resource bundles like a database, and allows you to request
a particular message string for a particular Locale (normally one associated
with the current user) instead of for the default Locale the server itself
is running in. This class also allows you to replace portions of the message
string with arguments specified at run time. This is useful in cases where you
are creating a sentence, but the words would appear in a different order in different
languages. The placeholder string {0} in the message is replaced by the first
runtime argument, {1} is replaced by the second argument, and so on.
Please note that the internationalization (often called "i18n" because
18 is the number of letters in between the "i" and the "n")
support in a framework like PHruts is limited to the presentation of internationalized
text and images to the user. Support for Locale specific input
methods (used with
languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean) is left up to the client device,
whichis usually a web browser.
Assume that your source code is created in package mycompany::mypackage, so it
is stored in a directory (relative to your your application's classes folder) named
mycompany/mypackage. To create a resource bundle called mycompany::mypackage::MyResources,
you would create the following files in the mycompany/mypackage directory:
- - Contains the messages in the default language for
your server. If your default language is English, you might have an entry like
this: prompt.hello=Hello
- - Contains the same messages in
the language whose ISO language code is "xx". For a French version
of the message shown above, you would have this entry: prompt.hello=Bonjour.
You can have resource bundle files for as many languages as you need.
3.3 Automatic Form Validation
PHruts offers a facility to validate the input fields it has received. To utilize
this feature, override the following method in your PHRUTS_ActionForm class:
validate(PHRUTS_ActionConfig $mapping, PHRUTS_HttpServiceRequest $request);
The validate method is called by the controller service after the bean properties
have been populated, but before the corresponding action class's execute method
is invoked. The validate method has the following options:
- Perform the appropriate validations and find no problems -- Return either null or a zero-length PHRUTS_ActionErrors instance, and the controller service will
proceed to call the execute method of the appropriate PHRUTS_Action class.
- Perform the appropriate validations and find problems -- Return a PHRUTS_ActionErrors instance containing PHRUTS_ActionError's, which are classes that contain the
error message keys (into the application's PHRUTS_MessageResources bundle) that
should be displayed. The controller service will store this array as a request
attribute suitable for use by the getErrors API method, and will forward control
back to the input form (identified by the input property for this PHRUTS_ActionConfig).
As mentioned earlier, this feature is entirely optional. The default implementation
of the validate method returns null, and the controller service will assume that
any required validation is done by the action class.
One common approach is to perform simple, prima facia validations using the ActionForm validate method, and then handle the "business logic" validation from
the Action.
Previous: Building Model Components
Next: Building Controller Components
This documentation is a modified copy of the Apache Struts 1.1 framework user guide,
and so is copyrighted under the ASF