PHRUTS_RequestProcessor contains the processing logic that the PHruts controller service performs as it receives each service request.
You can customize the request processing behavior by subclassing this class and overriding the method(s) whose behavior you are interested in changing.
Located in /action/PHRUTS_RequestProcessor.php (line 38)
Commons Logging instance.
The set of PHRUTS_Action instances that have been created and initialized, keyed by the fully qualified PHP class name of the PHRUTS_Action class.
The PHRUTS_ModuleConfiguration we are associated with.
The controller service we are associated with.
Do a forward to specified uri using request dispatcher.
This method is used by all internal method needing to do a forward.
Do an include of specified uri using request dispatcher.
This method is used by all internal method needing to do an include.
Return the PHRUTS_MessageResources instance containing our internal message strings.
Initialize this request processor instance.
Process a PHRUTS_HttpServiceRequest and create the corresponding PHRUTS_HttpServiceResponse.
Return a PHRUTS_Action instance that will be used to process the current request, creating a new one if necessary.
Retrieve and return the PHRUTS_ActionForm bean associated with this mapping, creating and stashing one if necessary.
If there is no form bean associated with this mapping, return null.
Ask the specified PHRUTS_Action instance to handle this request.
Return the PHRUTS_ActionForward instance (if any) returned by the called PHRUTS_Action for further processing.
Set the default content type (with optional character encoding) for all responses if requested.
Process a forward requested by this mapping (if any).
Return true if standard processing should continue, or false if we have already handled this request.
Forward or redirect to the specified destination, by the specified mechanism.
Process an include requested by this mapping (if any).
Return true if standard processing should continue, or false if we have already handled this request.
Automatically select a PHRUTS_Locale for the current user, if requested.
Select the mapping used to process the selection path for this request.
If no mapping can be identified, create an error response and return null.
Set the no-cache headers for all responses, if requested.
Identify and return the path component (from the request URI) that we will use to select a PHRUTS_ActionConfig to dispatch with.
If no such path can be identified, create an error response and return null.
Populate the properties of the specified PHRUTS_ActionForm instance from the request parameters included with this request.
In addition, request attribute Globals::CANCEL_KEY will be set if the request was submitted with a cancel button.
General-purpose preprocessing hook that can be overridden as required by subclasses.
Return true if you want standard processing to continue, or false if the response has already been completed. The default implementation does nothing.
If this action is protected by security roles, make sure that the current user possesses at least one of them.
Return true to continue normal processing, or false if an appropriate response has been created and processing should terminate.
If this request was not cancelled, and the request's PHRUTS_ActionConfig has not disabled validation, call the validate method of the specified PHRUTS_ActionForm, and forward back to the input form if there were any errors.
Return true if we should continue processing, or false if we have already forwarded control back to the input form.
Documentation generated on Sat, 31 May 2008 15:46:30 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1